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  • Institutional Effectiveness
  • Surveys
  • Surveys

    Survey Request Form, Policy, and Resources

    Surveys are an essential tool to support Goucher's mission of excellence in education and commitment to data-informed decision making. As an institution, we seek to gather feedback from our constituencies to help guide continuous improvement. Goucher has developed the following survey policies, procedures, and best practices to ensure that our information gathering efforts are efficient, effective, and timely. The approved Policy on the Internal and External Administration of Surveys can be found on the Polices page

    Goucher uses Qualtrics as its survey platform. For more information on Qualtrics, contact the Office of Institutional Effectiveness

    The Office of Institutional Effectiveness (OIE) will serve as Goucher’s survey clearinghouse. All surveys intended for distribution to any members or prospective members of the college community (such as applicants, students, faculty, staff, board members, and alumni) must be vetted by the Institutional Survey Committee using the procedures described below.

    Please note that approval by OIE to administer a survey is not a substitute for a review by the Institutional Review Board (IRB). Surveys that are part of academic research involving human subjects must receive IRB approval. OIE survey approval is separate from the human subject protection requirements of the IRB.

    Staff or faculty who wish to conduct surveys of Goucher students, alumni, employees, or external partners must have their surveys registered and on the Survey Calendar. This is done by submitting a Survey Registration Form which is reviewed by the OIE and/or Institutional Survey Committee (ISC) as appropriate.

    Please note that all data and information collected from surveys conducted by administrative offices, faculty committees, and other college committees are the property of Goucher College. Upon completion of your survey, you must submit survey results, data, and any reports to the OIE to be archived. Sharing results enhances institutional knowledge, informs future assessment, and helps Goucher meet effectiveness reporting needs. Completed survey results will be available to the Goucher community as necessary.

    A calendar of surveys being administered can be found here.

    Survey Request, Registration, and Approval 

    Prior to submitting your registration form:

    Survey Request Form


    Complete and submit the Survey Registration Form (or download the PDF) no less than 3 months* prior to the planned launch date. The form asks for the following: 

    (*Expedite: We understand that some survey topics are focused on urgent issues and need to be expedited. We will take this under consideration if you are not able to meet the deadlines. Please try to meet the deadlines for less urgent and time-sensitive topics.)

    The application will be assessed based on the rubric below (under development). 

    Tips for completing the Survey Request Form (PDF)

    The Institutional Survey Committee will review your application and OIE will respond within 7 business days of the date the proposal was received. Please be aware that if questions on the survey are related to a specific unit, department, role or individual, the supervisor or unit representative will be notified. Further action may be necessary by the responsible party.

    Survey Request Form

    OIE Data Source Bank

    OIE conducts several campus-wide surveys on a set schedule. Links to the survey instrument have been included if it is public. These surveys include (but are not limited to) :

    Survey Resources